The universe wants separation.

Space moves everything outward, ever outward … to fill it … fill it to fill it …

Over there!

Over there!

Over there!

Don’t bother to stick to anything “thing” …

In NEW DANCE, ignoring the universe is not an option.

Drop every “thing” thought. Especially your body — to the floor.  

You will feel the force better …

Displace all matter from it’s it-ness.

Separate every nuance out … for all to experience …

Dance through it, around it, beside it, under it … instead.

Draw it out …

Until anything you thought was a thing is now not that.

so the filaments wave … and the universe completes the dance.

video still taken from video doc by D. Brueckner, July 30, 2023


Glossary Entry: "Separation" in New Dance


"Separation" in the context of New Dance refers to the fundamental concept that the universe seeks to create space and distance between all things. This separation is achieved through the continuous outward movement of space, which is essential to filling it.

Key Points:

1. **Universal Desire:** New Dance posits that the universe inherently desires separation, pushing everything outward to occupy and fill space.

2. **Non-Attachment:** Practitioners of New Dance are encouraged not to cling to any physical or mental "thing," including their own bodies.

3. **Enhanced Awareness:** By releasing attachments to physical and conceptual entities, participants can better perceive and harness the forces at play in the universe.

4. **Displacement:** The practice involves displacing the essence or "it-ness" of matter, separating and making distinct all nuances for collective experience.

5. **Dynamic Movement:** New Dance involves dancing through, around, beside, and under these separations, actively drawing them out until the perceived boundaries of what constitutes a "thing" dissolve.

6. **Cosmic Harmony:** Ultimately, New Dance suggests that as these separations occur, the universe engages in a dance of filaments, bringing about a sense of completion and interconnectedness.

In summary, "Separation" in New Dance is a core principle emphasizing the universal drive to create space and distance, leading to a heightened awareness of the forces at work in the universe and a sense of interconnectedness through dynamic movement.

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