Playing "motion" as the instrument involves harnessing the essence of movement and creativity to craft a symphony of expression. Here's how this concept can be explored:

1. **Kinesthetic Awareness**: To play motion as the instrument, a dancer relies on a deep understanding of the essence of movement, transcending the confines of a physical body. This involves heightened kinesthetic awareness, where the dancer is attuned to the sensations and nuances of motion itself.

2. **Emotional Expression**: The core of this approach is channeling emotions directly into the pure essence of movement. Each nuance and subtlety in motion carries emotional depth, allowing the dancer to convey a wide range of feelings and moods through the dance itself, devoid of the physical body's constraints.

3. **Rhythm and Timing**: Like a musician, a dancer uses rhythm and timing, not tied to a physical form, to structure their performance. The cadence and tempo of the dance are guided by the inherent rhythm of motion, creating a sense of musicality within the dance.

4. **Spatial Composition**: Dancers explore the infinite dimensions of space as their canvas for artistic expression. Just as a musician navigates musical scales, a dancer composes their choreography within the boundless spatial dimensions of the stage or performance area.

5. **Nonstorytelling**: In this approach, the focus shifts from traditional storytelling to "nonstorytelling." The narrative aspect is conveyed through the essence of motion itself, serving as a form of expression without reliance on words or the physical body. The dancer becomes a communicator in the purest sense, communicating abstract concepts and emotions through the dance's inherent language.

6. **Creativity and Innovation**: Playing motion as the instrument calls for boundless creativity and innovation. Dancers experiment with different qualities of motion, styles, and techniques, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of pure movement expression.

7. **Interaction and Collaboration**: Motion can be a collaborative instrument as well. In ensemble performances, dancers interact with one another, harmonizing their motions in a symphony of pure movement that transcends the notion of individual physical bodies.

8. **Audience Connection**: The energy and intention behind each movement draw the audience into the performance, forging a deep connection. The audience engages with the pure essence of motion as the primary means of communication and expression.

9. **Innovation and Technology**: In contemporary dance, technology can amplify the concept further. Interactive projections, motion-capture technology, or AI-generated visuals can respond to the essence of motion, enhancing the depth and complexity of the performance.

In summary, playing "motion" as the instrument signifies a profound connection between the dancer and the pure essence of movement, emotions, and space. It's a fusion of boundless creativity, technique, and nonstorytelling, where the dancer transcends the limitations of the physical body and lets motion itself become the primary instrument through which a unique and evocative composition is crafted, abstract and open to interpretation.

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