

1. Dance as Universal Force:
   - Dance follows laws of physics like ink, responding to gravity and momentum.
   - It shapes and influences reality, creating new possibilities and realities through its interaction with the natural order.

2. Embodiment of Inkblot:
   - Dancer's body reflects ink's spontaneity, moving with fluidity and unpredictability.
   - Movement blurs creator and creation boundaries, inviting interpretation and exploration from the spectator.

3. Alignment with Universal Order:
   - Creative process aligns with natural order, recognizing inherent harmony and structure.
   - Deep connection guides movements and interaction, fostering a sense of unity and coherence within the performance.

4. Interaction with Stimuli:
   - Dancers respond to self-created ink blots, intuitively exploring shapes, lines, and textures.
   - Stimuli inspire movement, serving as metaphors for the ineffable qualities of movement and expression.

5. Audience Engagement:
   - Spectator's observation influences dancer, creating a dynamic interaction between creator and observer.
   - Interaction enriches experience for both, fostering a deeper connection and understanding of the performance.

6. Unpredictability and Adaptability:
   - Ink movement and dance embrace unpredictability, allowing for spontaneous and organic expression.
   - Adaptability allows for exploration and fluidity, encouraging dancers to respond creatively to changing stimuli and environments.

7. Interdisciplinary Exploration:
   - Synthesis of visual art and dance yields innovation, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.
   - Collaboration enriches creative process, fostering exchange and dialogue between artists from different disciplines.

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